Thursday, November 25, 2010

Phase 1: Design Precedents

Analysis of Existing KSs
In developing our own kinetic sculpture and product platform, we looked at several successful sculptures, particularly with regards to how they used key pieces with particular functions to create a product platform that could be translated easily into creative new sculptures.

Theo Jansen's Strandbeest is a mechanical creature that live and walks on beaches using only the power of wind. We were interested in it's exceedingly simple and elegant use of circular motion in powering it's legs, as well as the translation of the beautiful wave of motion created in it's wind-collecting sail into the movement of it's feet. The leg mechanism was also very interesting to us, as it uses a very simple structure and set of connecting parts to mimic a complex natural movement: walking.

Wood That Works
The second set of sculptures that inspired us was David C. Roy's Wood That Works collection. What we found most interesting about his work was his use of several very simple mechanisms in all of his work, such as gears, pulleys, and decorative pieces, and his ability to quickly combine these pieces in different ways to create entirely new and unique sculptures that are beautiful every time with minimal effort in their design and construction (he is able to mass-produce the individual parts without fear of not being able to use them on a future product. This is an excellent example of the product platform being applied to kinetic sculptures.

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